Fire glass is a popular alternative to traditional fire pit / fireplace media such as ceramic logs or lava rocks. It is made of broken tempered glass and is available in a variety of colors and shapes, which makes it a popular choice for homeowners and designers who want to add a stylish and modern touch to their outdoor living space. In this post, we’ll discuss the usage, pros, and cons of fire glass.

Fire glass is commonly used in fire pits, fireplaces, and outdoor fire features. It can be used as a standalone medium or combined with other media such as lava rocks or ceramic logs to create a unique and personalized look. Fire glass can be used in natural gas or propane fire pits, and it can withstand high temperatures without melting, popping, or emitting harmful fumes.

Banchetto Firepit by Tropitone


Aesthetic appeal: Fire glass is available in a variety of colors and shapes that can add an aesthetic appeal to your outdoor living space. It reflects the light from the flames, creating a mesmerizing effect that enhances the ambiance of your space.

Eco-friendly: Fire glass is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fire pit media. It does not produce ash or smoke, which means you don’t have to clean up the mess or worry about air pollution.

Low maintenance: Fire glass is easy to maintain. It does not require cleaning and it can last for years. What to update the colors, simply add some more colors and design your own color patterns.


Heat output: Fire glass does not produce as much heat as traditional fire pit media such as wood or lava rocks. This means you may need to use a larger fire pit or a higher BTU burner to achieve the same level of heat output.

Limited heat retention: Fire glass does not retain heat as well as traditional fire pit media such as ceramic logs or lava rocks. This means that once the flames are out, the fire glass will cool down quickly.

Note: When using Fire glass with propane, be sure to not cover your burner with more than one inch of media to ensure the flame receives enough oxygen.

How Much Fire Glass Do I need?

Ensure you follow the manufacturer’s recommended instructions when adding fire media to you feature, however, if you need some quick calculations we’re here to help. To calculate the amount of fire glass needed is relatively simple; you’ll need to measure the length, width, and depth of your application (Fire Pit, Fire Place or other Fire feature).

For Round Fire Pits: Diameter X Depth (2-4in) / 19 = ##Lbs of Fire Glass Needed

For Square Fire Pits: Length X Width X Depth / 19 = ##Lbs of Fire Glass Needed

Ensure you add approximately 10% or more to ensure you fill any gaps in coverage.


Fire glass is a stylish and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fire pit media. It adds an aesthetic appeal to your outdoor living space and requires low maintenance. However, it can be more expensive and may not produce as much heat or retain heat as well as traditional media. If you’re considering fire glass for your fire pit or fireplace, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the best option that fits your needs and budget.